Kenya trading with the U.S. Statistics

At current market exchange rates, the GDP of Kenya was expected to be $98.6 billion in 2019, real GDP increased by an estimated 5.6%, and there were 49 million people living there. (IMF source)

With $1.1 billion in total (two-way) goods commerce in 2019, Kenya is now our 96th largest trading partner. $401 million worth of products were exported and $667 million worth of goods were imported. In 2019, the United States’ goods trade deficit with Kenya was $266 million.


In 2019, Kenya was the 109th-largest export market for commodities from the United States.

US exports of commodities to Kenya in 2019 was $401 million, up 36 million dollars from the previous year but down 38.6% from 2009.

The top two-digit HS export categories in 2019 were machinery ($41 million), plastics ($58 million), and aeroplanes ($59 million). 

Cereals ($30 million), special other (returns or repairs) ($29 million), and cereals (wheat).

2019 saw $53 million in total agricultural exports from the US to Kenya. Wheat ($27 million), vegetable oils (ex. soybean) ($7 million), pulses ($5 million), coarse grains (ex. corn) ($3 million), and planting seeds ($2 million) are the top domestic export commodities.


In 2019, Kenya was the 86th-largest importer of commodities into the United States.

Imports of commodities from Kenya into the United States reached $667 million in 2019, an increase of 3.7% ($24 million) from 2018 and 137.7% from 2009.

Woven clothes ($286 million), knit apparel ($168 million), edible fruit & nuts (macadamia nuts) ($55 million), ores, slag, and ash (titanium) ($52 million), and coffee, tea & spice (coffee) ($41 million) were the top import categories (2-digit HS) in 2019.

In 2019, the U.S. imported $126 million worth of agricultural products from Kenya. Tree nuts ($55 million), unroasted coffee ($34 million), herbal tea ($11 million), essential oils ($10 million), and other vegetable oils ($6 million) are among the top categories.

Market Balance

In 2019, the U.S. goods trade deficit with Kenya was $266 million, down $12 million or 4.4% from the previous year.

Why is commerce significant to Kenya?

Additionally, trade generates employment possibilities in the informal, retail, and wholesale trade sub-sectors, which helps to reduce poverty by enabling many unemployed women, young people, and members of vulnerable groups to make a living.

The top three imported goods into Kenya are:

Kenya imports the most from China ($4.86B), India ($1.95B), the United Arab Emirates ($1.34B), Japan ($755M), and Saudi Arabia ($632M), with the top five imports being refined petroleum ($2.13B), palm oil ($671M), broadcasting equipment ($521M), packaged medications ($477M), and cars ($403M).

The top three exports from Kenya are: 

Kenya’s biggest exports include tea ($1.2B), cut flowers ($596M), refined petroleum ($308M), gold ($262M), and coffee ($229M), with the majority of these goods going to the United States ($496M), Uganda ($940M), Pakistan ($515M), and the Netherlands (503M) and United Kingdom ($435M).

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